
Data Connector - Salesforce & Google Sheets

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Key Learnings:
  • JavaScript: Gained proficiency in JavaScript programming.

  • UI Development: Improved my UI design skills in HTML, CSS, and Bulma.

  • Google Apps Script: Mastered code development for Google Apps Script.

  • Explored various capabilities of

  • Google Cloud Platform: Learned about pricing and verification processes in GCP.

Overview of the Project:

DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTS You can connect different environments, such as Production, Sandbox, and Developer Edition, using our add-on.

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WAY DATA MIGRATION WITHOUT LIMITS Import Salesforce data based on a custom query conditions. Insert/update operations based on changes in the Sheet to your Salesforce org. Delete recors based on the record id. Our add-on works two-way.

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VLOOKUP FUNCTIONALITY The VLOOKUP function has never been simpler. User-friendly functionality to lookup values based on criteria and return ALL matching data. Copies and inserts found matches as values.

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BATCH OR SINGLE SIZE OPERATIONS Update/insert/delete the records depending on your desired batch size. You enter the batch size input, add-on handles the rest. Good for existing processes/flows on Salesforce that depend on the batch based operations.

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Project Collaboration: I worked on this project with my colleague, Taeyeon Lee under the supervision of our head of department Julian Lee, as a company project.

Please note that this add-on is for internal company use only and installation access is restricted.